How the Most Successful Financial Advisors are Getting Clients Online

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Webinar Host Cherie Sharp


Cherie Sharp is Client Machine's Lead Project Manager. She works with advisors like you every day to help you connect with new clients and referral partners through the best online strategies available today. In this webinar, she'll be giving you a tour of the essential tools you'll need to make this work for you.

In this online meeting, you will:

  • Discover how to automate and leverage online tools to connect with more of your ideal clients
  • Target your ideal client by specific criteria like location, job title, industry, even company, interests, or affiliations
  • Uncover how to build instant trust online
  • Understand the 2 most effective internet outreach strategies to connect with HNW prospective clients and referral partners
  • See how to harness the power of the most respected, business focused social media site in the world
  • Evaluate case studies of how this has worked for other advisors
  • Take the best of what you’ve been doing in the past, and marry it with new online tools and strategies to future proof your practice
  • Get access to the #1 best way to connect with and qualify high quality, HNW leads online
  • See how to get appointments booked into your calendar without lifting a finger
  • Learn the dirty little secret other marketers won’t tell you—your internet strategies will not work without this key ingredient